Exacture Assess - Exacture

Data Capture

Audit & Analyze, Fully Customizable

Capture and digitize all audit criteria across your supply chain. Standardize issues, build a deeper analysis, and drive continuous improvements throughout your network of suppliers. Accurate, real-time results make your organization smarter and more efficient.

Individual assessments across all suppliers

Simple, customized assessments lead to better data and a more accurate analysis.

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Ability to identify issues before they happen

Standardized data makes predictive models possible, accurate, and actionable.

In-field execution

Answer questions, take photos, and record issues, right in the palm of your hand.

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Easily Interpret Data

Personalized dashboards provide all the insights you need and the visibility into the entire product lifecycle to correct problems before your product hits the market

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Seamless Integrations

Features and Benefits

Exacture enables you to prevent problems before they happen.

Unleash the power of 100% reliable data.

Reduce the cost of quality assurance.

Save your business time and effort by correcting issues quickly and easily.

Increase productivity exponentially by engaging with Exacture from anywhere.

Seamless integration with existing systems enables efficient transitions.

You’re one step closer to holding your production to a higher standard.

Speak with a specialist to learn how Exacture can improve your quality assurance processes throughout the entire Supply Chain.

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